Abbotsford Rope Works is a competitive and recreational jump rope team owned and coached by Abigail Bergen and Brynn Robertson. Currently we have 5 competitive jumpers and an active recreational team! As a team we thrive on community and respect, we are always accepting jumpers :)

Coach Abby Bergen

My goal as an old jumper and a coach is to encourage kids to join a sport where they feel like they fit in and are valued. I strive to help kids learn sportsmanship, kindness, responsibility, and courage in this sport. All the staff are first aid certified, have completed criminal record and vulnerable sector checks, have completed courses in making ethical decisions in sports, and are in good standings with Rope Skipping Canada. I have also taken mental health classes to better understand mental health in sports.

Coach Brynn Robertson

I am 16 years old and have been a part of the jump rope community since 2015. I jumped on the Abbotsford Ropeworks for 7 years but due to medical issues I’ve had to hang up the ropes this past year which has led me to assistant coach alongside Abby Bergen. I’ve had a passion for the sport my entire life from the competitions, making lifelong friendships with your teammates, the proud feeling of getting a new trick, to the bonds we form with our coaches. As a jumper, my coaches were my biggest role models growing up, and it is my goal to be that for aspiring jumpers. Jump rope and the community surrounding it has without a doubt made a huge impact on my life especially in difficult times and I can’t imagine my life without it.

Abbotsford Rope Works